Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lesson of "Earth Quake"

Rebbe speaks to thousands gathered, at Lag Bomer Parade 5750, on 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn NY.
with broadcasts around the world.

As we are still overcoming the shock, of todays earthquake, its important to remember what the Rebbe spoke  publicly, at a children Parade for Lag B'Omer  in year 5750, on the practical lesson we can and there for should learn from it.

Regarding; regime change, peace, charity.


Attached is a copy from the talk, sicha, and a Video.

Harmony in the Cosmos

This approach is the key to peace and unity in the world at large. G-d has provided ample and abundant blessings in the world He created "with kindness, love and mercy." He has called on mankind to emulate these qualities by sharing G-d-given benefits with others, helping them materially and spiritually.
Recognizing the abundance of G-d's blessings and man's role in their preservation and appropriate use will remove the basis for strife and division among nations. Once mankind realizes that G-d has provided abundance for everyone, there will be no motivation for war or even strife.
Indeed, adopting this approach adds to the blessings G-d grants in the world at large and avert the "need" for Him to use temporary measures -- earthquakes and the like -- to remind us of His constant presence and His control.[273]
Similarly, this approach will refine the world and hasten the coming of the era which will express its ultimate state of perfection, when "One nation will not lift up a sword against another, nor will they learn war any more."[274] This unity will be extended even beyond the human realm, spreading into the animal kingdom, as it is written, "A wolf will dwell with a lamb and a leopard with a kid."[275] Indeed, it will encompass every aspect of existence.

for full talk in english follow link sichosinenglish.org

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